Thursday, October 18, 2018

Explaining The Halloween Timelines

Image result for halloween 1978 poster cinematerial

So originally I was going to do a What You Probably Didn't Know About Halloween (1978) but I decided I wanted to do something different. Now yes explaining the Halloween timelines is something almost every Halloween fan has done but I want to it mainly because I thought it would be fun. Now before we get into this I just want to explain a few things. One, I'll only be discussing Michael Myers and Laurie Strode and no other characters (okay I briefly bring up Sam Loomis). I've only choose them because will there pretty much the poster children of the franchise. Two, some of these continuities had some comic tie-ins but I want to skim over those mainly cause I don't really think they effected the movies that much. Three, I also won't be giving too many details about each of these films mainly because I would be spoiling them. Yes a lot of these have been around for decades now but it's just best if you check them out for yourself. So enough of this opening let's get to it.

Remake Timeline

Films That Are Canon: Halloween (2007) & Halloween II (2009)

The first one I'll do is the 'Remake Timeline". These films are completely separated from the original 1978 film meaning they exist in their own universe. The original film Michael Myers was born on Oct 19, 1957 in the remake timeline Michael was born on Oct 19, 1980. Also unlike his original film counterpart we learn more about his family. Such as his mom was a stripper who had a boyfriend named Ronnie who was an ill-tempered alcoholic asshole. Another thing we learned about him, unlike his original film counterpart we're shown how he escapes from the mental asylum and how he got his mask. In this timeline Laurie Strode's original name was Angel Myers as suppose to her 1978 counterpart were her name was Cynthia Myers. Also unlike her original counterpart, she was born somewhere in 1990 where the Laurie Strode of the 1978 film was born somewhere in 1961.

Season of the Witch Timeline

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Films That Are Canon: None

This one probably goes without saying but let's talk about it anyways. So Halloween III: Season of the Witch exist in it's own little world. The only time we see Michael Myers is when there's a commercial for Halloween (1978). Which tells us, the audience, that he only exist as a fictional character not as a real serial killer like all of the other films.

The Curse of Thorn Timeline

Films That Are Canon: Halloween (1978), Halloween II (1981), Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers, Halloween 5: The Revenge of Michael Myers, and Halloween: The Curse of Michael Myers

Now we move on to what some people call the "Curse of Thorn Timeline" or the "4-6 Timeline" for me I'm calling it by the Curse of Thorn timeline. Basically what happens here is after Halloween II, Michael has been in a coma for 10 years. He doesn't wake up until he overhears that he has niece named Jaime Lloyd. This Michael's life is almost the same as his original counterpart the only real differences being he has more family members and the reason for his immortality is based on supernatural elements (aka The Curse of Thorn cult). As for Laurie Strode, she eventually married and her and her husband had a child together. The reason why Laurie isn't around in these movies is because both her and Mr. Lloyd died in an accident somewhere in November of 1987.

The H20 Timeline

Films That Are Cannon: Halloween (1978), Halloween II (1981), Halloween H20: 20 Years Later, and Halloween: Resurrection

Now we have the H20 timeline. The bases for this continuity is it ignores the events that happened in Halloween 4-6. In doing so this leaves Michael's immortality a mystery or it's just people believing he's so evil he can't be killed. Also in this timeline as suppose to Michael being in a coma for 10 years he's simply been gone for 20 years. As for Laurie Strode she faked her death, relocated to Summer Glen, California, and changed her name to Keri Tate. During her 20 years without Michael she eventually married someone (the husband's name was never giving in any of the films) and somewhere in 1981 they had a son named John. Now Dr. Loomis is brought up in Halloween H20: 20 Years Later but that was to tell us that he passed away in 1995.

Old Man Michael Myers Timeline

Films That Are Canon: Halloween (1978) & Halloween (2018)

Given how this is a new timeline there's not much to explain but I'll still give you details. Also some people have referred to this as the "Final Timeline" what with John Carpenter saying that this is the final Halloween film but one of the writers (Danny McBride to be more specific) have said they do want to make more films but only if the new one does well. So since this isn't technically the final timeline I will be referring to it as the "Old Man Michael Myers Timeline". So enough about the name let's explain bits of this continuity. The bases is, this series ignores any of the sequels. That means Halloween II through Halloween: Resurrection never happened and only the first film is acknowledged. Also, once again Dr. Loomis has died somewhere in the 90's. As for Laurie Strode she stayed in Haddonfield and would go on to have a daughter and a granddaughter. Also the whole thing about her being Michael's sister is just a rumor people made up. Michael was arrested following the 1978 massacre and was put back in Smith Grove's Sanitarium where he would remain there for forty years.

So I hoped I explained all of these well enough for you guys to understand. Anyways that's going to do it for me. Come back Saturday when I review Halloween (2018).

State of The Project (Oct 6th - Oct 20th)

Oct 6th - Venom Review

Oct 8th - Classic Film Night - Jaws Review

Oct 11th - A Look Back at Goosebumps (2015)

Oct 13th - Goosebumps 2: Haunted Halloween Review

Oct 15th - Jaws 2 Review

Oct 18th - Explaining The Halloween Timelines

Oct 20th - Halloween (2018) Review


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