Toy Story 4 is a 3D animated comedy film and the fourth installment in the Toy Story film series as well as the sequel to 2010's Toy Story 3. The film is produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. Toy Story 4 is written by Stephany Folsom and Andrew Stanton and directed by Josh Cooley.
The story is it's been some time since Andy gave his toys to Bonnie. One day Bonnie brings home a new toy she made all by herself named Forky. However Forky isn't as easy as he seems what with him having an existential crisis about being alive. On a road trip Forky causes a problem that leaves him and Woody stranded on the road. Now they must get back to their friends however all that may change when Woody has reunion with Bo Peep.
The story is it's been some time since Andy gave his toys to Bonnie. One day Bonnie brings home a new toy she made all by herself named Forky. However Forky isn't as easy as he seems what with him having an existential crisis about being alive. On a road trip Forky causes a problem that leaves him and Woody stranded on the road. Now they must get back to their friends however all that may change when Woody has reunion with Bo Peep.
Initial Reaction
Having enjoyed all three films I was curious about the Toy Story 4. Because seriously how can you possibly top the ending to Toy Story 3? Basically I looked at this film as big risk. Cause if it's good way to go Pixar/Disney, however if it falls under the sequel curse (you know the one. where the first film was a masterpiece but then the sequel comes along and destroys everything) then Pixar/Disney could be looking at something that's hated. Either way I was to see this movie with an opened mind and hoping for the best.
I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.
Middle Ground
One thing that was sort of a mix bag for me were the old toys are kind of sidelined. Now I can understand why the filmmakers did. Cause had they had the old toys on the adventure with the new toys it could make the movie bloated with characters. Yet at the same time I wished there were more scenes with them. Like I said I'm very conflicted with this decision for the movie.
One thing that surprised me was how the film still plays with you emotional, cause going into this movie I thinking there's no way after Toy Story 3 that the writers could possibility tug on our heart strings. But they actually do. Yeah there's no incinerator scene but this movie knows it didn't need something like to get you on an emotional level. There are two scenes in particular that got and that was Gabby Gabby near the end of the movie and the final scene with Woody. That's all I'm gonna leave it, I'm going to get spoilers so please remain calm. Now let's talk about Josh Cooley's directing. Wow. This is the guys first feature length film and you wouldn't know it by watching this. The way he handles action, the way he showcases scenes, and the way he has the camera move. You never would think this is someone's first movie. Another part of Toy Story 4 that makes it a great sequel is the animation. I mean if you though the previous films have great animation Toy Story 4 ups the ante. I mean that cat looks realistic and the opening scene for the movie is in the rain. And the rain drops, the water flowing down, basically everything in that opening felt like you were watching an actual rain storm in front of your eyes. The other aspect to praise Toy Story 4 for is the humor. There were so many moments when me and everyone in the theater laughed. My favorites were Ducky and Bunny's "Plush Rush" scenarios, those were hilarious. Speaking of characters like Ducky and Bunny, the new characters such as the previously mentioned Ducky and Bunny, along with the other new characters such as Forky, Duke Caboom, and Giggle McDimples are all great characters. Hell some of them even steal the scene. Which leads me to my next the voice acting. It's perfect. Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele were great as Bunny and Ducky, Keanu Reeves as Duke Caboom I wasn't expecting him to be as funny as he was with this character, basically all of the new actors in this franchise are astounding. The final thing I'll praise Toy Story 4 for is how brought a new view of the life of a toy. This time around it's the concept of "lost toys". The writers did a great explaining this concept, how it works, and how some toys see it as a negative while the lost toys themselves show how it's a positive for them.
Toy Story 4 is a surprisingly great fourth installment to a franchise. It tugs on your heart strings, Josh Cooley knocked it out of the park in this debut, the animation is wonderful, the humor gets you to laugh, the new characters are entertaining, the voice acting gets two thumbs up, and the new perspective on toys was very interesting. The only mix bag is how the older toys are treated.
My final rating is Great
So yeah, Toy Story 4 is thankful NOT a terrible sequel to what we thought at the time was going to be a trilogy. Anyways that's going to do it for me, come back on Monday, July 1st for my A Look Back at review for Stranger Things (Season 2). That review is in celebration for the upcoming third season. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.
Having enjoyed all three films I was curious about the Toy Story 4. Because seriously how can you possibly top the ending to Toy Story 3? Basically I looked at this film as big risk. Cause if it's good way to go Pixar/Disney, however if it falls under the sequel curse (you know the one. where the first film was a masterpiece but then the sequel comes along and destroys everything) then Pixar/Disney could be looking at something that's hated. Either way I was to see this movie with an opened mind and hoping for the best.
I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.
Middle Ground
One thing that was sort of a mix bag for me were the old toys are kind of sidelined. Now I can understand why the filmmakers did. Cause had they had the old toys on the adventure with the new toys it could make the movie bloated with characters. Yet at the same time I wished there were more scenes with them. Like I said I'm very conflicted with this decision for the movie.
One thing that surprised me was how the film still plays with you emotional, cause going into this movie I thinking there's no way after Toy Story 3 that the writers could possibility tug on our heart strings. But they actually do. Yeah there's no incinerator scene but this movie knows it didn't need something like to get you on an emotional level. There are two scenes in particular that got and that was Gabby Gabby near the end of the movie and the final scene with Woody. That's all I'm gonna leave it, I'm going to get spoilers so please remain calm. Now let's talk about Josh Cooley's directing. Wow. This is the guys first feature length film and you wouldn't know it by watching this. The way he handles action, the way he showcases scenes, and the way he has the camera move. You never would think this is someone's first movie. Another part of Toy Story 4 that makes it a great sequel is the animation. I mean if you though the previous films have great animation Toy Story 4 ups the ante. I mean that cat looks realistic and the opening scene for the movie is in the rain. And the rain drops, the water flowing down, basically everything in that opening felt like you were watching an actual rain storm in front of your eyes. The other aspect to praise Toy Story 4 for is the humor. There were so many moments when me and everyone in the theater laughed. My favorites were Ducky and Bunny's "Plush Rush" scenarios, those were hilarious. Speaking of characters like Ducky and Bunny, the new characters such as the previously mentioned Ducky and Bunny, along with the other new characters such as Forky, Duke Caboom, and Giggle McDimples are all great characters. Hell some of them even steal the scene. Which leads me to my next the voice acting. It's perfect. Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele were great as Bunny and Ducky, Keanu Reeves as Duke Caboom I wasn't expecting him to be as funny as he was with this character, basically all of the new actors in this franchise are astounding. The final thing I'll praise Toy Story 4 for is how brought a new view of the life of a toy. This time around it's the concept of "lost toys". The writers did a great explaining this concept, how it works, and how some toys see it as a negative while the lost toys themselves show how it's a positive for them.
Toy Story 4 is a surprisingly great fourth installment to a franchise. It tugs on your heart strings, Josh Cooley knocked it out of the park in this debut, the animation is wonderful, the humor gets you to laugh, the new characters are entertaining, the voice acting gets two thumbs up, and the new perspective on toys was very interesting. The only mix bag is how the older toys are treated.
My final rating is Great
So yeah, Toy Story 4 is thankful NOT a terrible sequel to what we thought at the time was going to be a trilogy. Anyways that's going to do it for me, come back on Monday, July 1st for my A Look Back at review for Stranger Things (Season 2). That review is in celebration for the upcoming third season. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.