Monday, April 22, 2019

Road to Toy Story 4 - Toy Story 2 Review

Toy Story 2 is a 1999 3D animated comedy film and the sequel to 1995's Toy Story. The movie is produced by Walt Disney Pictures and Pixar Animation Studios and distributed by Buena Vista Pictures. Toy Story 2 was written by Andrew Stanton, Rita Hsiao, Doug Chamberlin, and Chris Webb and directed by John Lasseter.

The story is Woody has been stolen by a greedy toy collector named Al McWhiggin. Buzz and the rest of the gang set out to go find Woody and bring him back before Andy gets back from cowboy camp. While Buzz and co. are trying to find Woody he discovers he's a valuable collectible from the once popular show "Woody's Roundup". He then befriends Jessie, Bullseye, and Stinky Pete the Prospector. Now the question is after becoming friends with fellow cowfolk does Woody even want to go back home?

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Positives

One thing I enjoyed about was the amount of danger the toys were in. Sure there was plenty of that in the first movie, but here in Toy Story 2 the risk of them being destroyed was elevated. I think the best scene was the crosswalk scene. There were so many close calls that it felt you thankful for what the outcome was.

The other part of the film I enjoyed was the animation. Yes Pixar has had entire history of having good animation. What I mean is I'm comparing the first two films. In Toy Story the was really good in Toy Story 2 it's even better.

Another aspect of Toy Story 2 you'll enjoy is the Emily flashback. That moment in the film will always be the number one emotional Pixar moment. Some people didn't really care for the song being put in there but I liked it. I thought it just added something even better to an already great scene.

One other feature to the film is it's use of humor. Toy Story 2 is way funnier than Toy Story. I think my favorite parts were Rex having to "use his head" and Mr. Potato Head saying he's a married spud and preparing for "Mr. Angry Eyes". To understand anything about what I'm talking about watch the movie. Trust those scenes are hilarious.

The final thing I'll give the movie credit for is it's use of nods from the first movie. Sometimes when we get nods to the previous film there usual there as joke or just some reference that serves no purpose. Here however they help advance the story. There nods to both show/say how much the characters grew from the previous adventure.

Toy Story 2 is a one of few of the greatest sequels made. The risk surrounding the toys are even greater than before, the animation is great, that Emily flashback still hits me right in the heart strings, the funny moments are truly funny, and the nods are more than just throw away jokes.

My final rating is A Must Watch

Alright everyone that's going to do it for me. Come back next time on Thursday, April 25th for my review of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack on the Clones, a continuation of the Road to Star Wars: Episode IX - The Rise of Skywalker.

Oh speaking of that review I almost forgot to you something. That review will go up way earlier than it usually does. The main reason being I'm going to an early showing of Avengers: Endgame. The time that review will go up is 5:00pm (Eastern) and 2:00pm (Pacific). Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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