Wednesday, July 29, 2020

A Look Back at The Umbrella Academy - Season 1

雨傘學院】Sir Reginald極有可能未死?分析首季結局最大疑團!|香港01 ...

With Season 2 of this show arriving shortly I once again decide to review the first season. So let's begin.

The Umbrella Academy is a comic book web show based on the Dark Horse Comics' series of the same name. The series is produced by Dark Horse Entertainment, Borderline Entertainment, and Universal Cable Productions and distributed by Netflix. The show was developed by Steve Blackman and Jeremy Slater.

The story is seven children with unique abilities were adopted by billionaire Sir Reginald Hargreeves and turned into the superhero team called The Umbrella Academy. After the siblings visited their fathers funeral, one of the children (Number Five) has returned from the future and tells his family that a global apocalypse is coming. Now this family must stop this crisis all while finding the secrets to their past.

  • Negatives

My only issue with the show is the pacing. There's quite a few times when things would just slow down or come to a halt and you're waiting for everything to pick back up again.

  • Mix

The only grey area is while the stories are good and written well, a lot of them should've been either cut or saved for the next season. Because first we have the Apocalypse storyline, then the mysterious death of the characters' father. Perfect because later we realize those stories go hand-in-hand with each other. And then we have side stories with the siblings, which is also fine because we need to see just how messed up they are. But then we get stories that didn't need to be there and like I said before either be cut or saved for next time.

  • Positives

Now for the more positives things about The Umbrella Academy let's start off with the acting. All I gotta say is the cast was great. They did a great job playing these characters and whatever baggage they have whether it be emotional or physical. They work well off each other or if there's no dialogue what so ever they nail with the body language or facial expressions.

Another thing to give the show praise for is the humor. I wasn't expecting have a good laugh while watching a show about superheroes trying to stop the apocalypse. And what was best about the humor is it came at necessary times, there wasn't time when it clashed or ruined a perfectly good dark and/or dramatic moment.

What I also loved about the show was the special effects. Now I wasn't expecting anything terrible because Netflix really does try to give their shows the best they can provide for them, but when I saw something like say Pogo (the talking monkey friend) to look that good it blew my mind. I mean the CGI on that character can rival the CGI for the Planet of the Apes movies.

The final thing to praise The Umbrella Academy for was that cliffhanger of an ending. That ending really had me on edge and it also did it's job of getting me hyped for the next season.

The Umbrella Academy has an issue with pacing and while the overall story is good they're were some stories I could've done without, but I think those issues can be forgiven with the show's strengths. Those being the cast, the humor, the special effects, and the cliffhanger.

My final rating is Great

Okay I'm all done here. Due come back on Thursday, Aug 6th for my review of Deathstroke: Knights & Dragons. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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