Thursday, October 29, 2020

A Look Back at The Mandalorian - Season 1

With season two of The Mandalorian set to premiere tomorrow I decided to watch then review the first season. So let's get started.

The Mandalorian (aka Star Wars: The Mandalorian) is a space western and the first live-action Star Wars show. The series is set five years after Return of the Jedi. The series is produced by Lucasfilm Ltd., Fairview Entertainment, and Golem Creations and distributed by Disney Media Distribution. The Mandalorian is created by Jon Favreau.

The story is The Mandalorian is a lone bounty hunter just doing what ever bounty hunter does. Get job, do the job well, and get paid. However one bounty makes him have a change of mind, so he takes a baby known as "The Child" with him and makes it his job to protect the infant.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Positives

One thing I loved about the series was the western vibe it was given. I do believe that tone was touched upon a couple of times in the franchise but I don't think they've ever gone full blown western. I could be wrong I'm just saying it's pretty cool to get a Star Wars series that goes for a different tone.

What also makes The Mandalorian a great series is Pedro Pascal's performances. The guy is doing so much despite the fact you don't see his face for a majority of the series. He's mainly doing everything though body language, and he does a fantastic job at doing that.

Another aspect of the show that makes it great is the action. It's both fun, exciting, and gets you on the edge of your seat.

Now what I didn't expect to be but ending being good were the special effects. Like I said I wasn't expecting them to look because I didn't think Disney would be in the money for it since this a show and not a movie but I was proven wrong. They're cinema level good.

The final thing I'll praise The Mandalorian for is how it really taps into the underground world of Star Wars. Sure we got quite a bit of that in Rogue One and Solo did touch on that briefly but this one goes full underground world.

The Mandalorian is definitely a show I think you should check out. The western tone is great, Pedro's acting is incredible, the action is exciting, the special effects are really good, and seeing the underground world of Star Wars is not only different but refreshing.

My final rating is A Must Watch

Okay that's going to do it for me.

Now I've got an announcement, despite what I said in my Looking Back at the Films of 2019 - Part 9, I'll definitely being ending the month with something scary to review. That movie being 1990's The Witches. The reason being the newest movie of that story peaked me interest about the 90's flick. That review will go up on Saturday, Oct 31st. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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