Monday, March 22, 2021

Is It True? - The Aliens from Signs Aren't Really Aliens


Hey guys and welcome to a brand new edition of Is It True?. This time I tackle a theory regrading the aliens from M. Night Shyamalan's 2002 movie, Signs.

What is Signs?

Signs is a 2002 science fiction mystery thriller film written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan. It tells the story of farmer Graham Hass and his family have discovered weird crop circles at their home. As time goes by more crop circles appear but not only at their farm but around the world. Now Hass wants to find out why this is happening while at the same time keeping his family together.

The Theory

This is how the theory goes, that the aliens from Signs aren't aliens but they're demons. The reason for this theory is because the movie relies heavily on religion. The character of Graham Hass is a former priest and many have noticed quite a lot of biblical imagery and allegories. In matter of fact one allegory is that the aliens first form of attack is to stop their victims from breathing, which some of interpreted as a biblical reference to some people thinking the creation of man to have come from God's "breath of life". Another reason for this theory is that the alien's weakness is water, which if that stuff gets on them it burns them. This has been interpreted as holy water burning demons.

Is The Theory Believable?

This is actually a hard one for me to decide on. Because Signs is one of those movies that have been analyzed in many different ways. But let's say the theory might be possible. It does make you want to view the movie is a different perspective. Really all I can say is I'm not too sure about this theory myself, the best answer I can come up with maybe there's a possibility. But until Shyamalan says something this theory's conclusion is up in the air.

So that's going to do it for me. Sorry if this one didn't leave you satisficed but this one was actually tough for me to come up with a logical answer. Anyhow, come back on Thursday, Mar 25th for part three of my review series Looking Back at the Films of 2020. The movies I'll be reviewing for that one are Bloodshot and The Way Back. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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