Thursday, March 11, 2021

Road to Mortal Kombat (2021) - Mortal Kombat: Annihilation Review


Mortal Kombat: Annihilation is a 1997 martial arts fantasy movie based on the video game series Mortal Kombat as well as the sequel to the 1995 movie, Mortal Kombat and the second movie in the film series. The movie was produced by New Line Cinema and Threshold Entertainment and distributed by New Line Cinema. Mortal Kombat: Annihilation was written by Bryce Zabel and Brent V. Friedman and directed by John R. Leonetti.

The story is the evil Outworld emperor Shao Kang has opened a portal that will absorb Earthrealm into Outworld within six days. After a crushing defeat by the emperor and his allies the Earthrealm defenders must regroup and gather allies of their own and put a stop to Shao Kang and his army.

  • Negatives

One of the MANY things that make this movie awful is the horrible CGI. Yes, I sad the same thing about the previous movie's CGI but what made me hate here more than with that movie is how overused it is. You almost can't go one scene without some really bad CGI being place somewhere.

Let's continue trash talking the special effects by saying even the green screen is horrible. The green screen for Mortal Kombat: Annihilation can simply be described as amateur hour. I mean it folks, there are times when the characters are fighting and you can see a hole in their arm because of these green screen effects. Like I said this is stuff an amateur would let slide NOT real filmmakers working in Hollywood.

If terrible CGI and even worse green screen wasn't bad enough we also blessed with some awful editing. This is probably the most sloppiest editing for a video game I've ever seen. Characters will go from one spot to another, objects we've never seen before just appear, and then there are times when you can actually see the actor's stunt double plain as day.

Another thing that made this movie awful is how they cram so many Mortal Kombat characters in this and because of that they ultimately become glorified cameos. For instance we see Smoke fight Liu Kang and Kitana and then he's gone. We see Cyrax fight Sonya Blade and Jax and then he's gone. Sure some characters go longer than others but like I said before they ultimately become cameo appearances. Hell THEY EVEN DID THIS WITH SCORPION AND SUB-ZERO! I didn't make that up guys. Those two show up to fight each other once....and then we never see them again. Because that's how you treat arguably the two poster boys of this franchise.

Now this movie has a big invasion plot and guess don't care. You're probably wonder why I would say this so let me explain. So Earth is being invaded, we see portals open up in the sky, we see landscapes and monuments being destroyed, and our characters react. But here's what's missing from all of this.....humanity. Other than the main characters we don't see anybody else react to those portals. Earth of all things just looks empty. So because of that we don't have a feeling a dread and worry. Sure buildings and landscapes get destroyed but that's it, it's just some well known and historic monuments being put in danger no humans.

What also made Mortal Kombat: Annihilation one of the worst movies made was the lore that was only made for this movie. I guess for whatever reason the writers didn't feel the need to be the lore of the video games in the movie and just make this up that maybe MK would have but not really. Like these dragon tattoos characters have, friendships/relationships that aren't what they're suppose to be one of two of  these examples is Jade is a villain and I guess doesn't have a friendship with Kitana, and Raiden and Shao Kahn are brothers now. Then we have those weird hamster ball things.

The acting is this movie sucked. I mean wow. There are times when it's almost "The Room" levels of bad. Get a load of one of the movie's more infamous moments of dialogue,

What was with that long pause between "too bad you" and "will die"? Then we had Shao Kahn's actor who I swear he was being over the top on purpose. Because with the way he was talking during this I refuse to believe he wasn't doing any of that on purpose.

The last thing I'll get trash Mortal Kombat: Annihilation for is the fight scenes. Other than Sonya vs. Mileena and Sub-Zero vs. Scorpion all of the other fight scenes were bad. And the bad editing that I brought up previously isn't helping those scenes either.

  • Mix

I've got nothing to say. Moving on.

  • Positives

If you thought I had something nice to say about this movie you are sorely mistaken.

So yeah everybody, whatever negative thing you've heard about Mortal Kombat: Annihilation it's all true. It has terrible CGI, horrible, green screen, even worse editing, any MK character that isn't our main ones are just cameos, there's nothing at stake with the invasion aspect of the story because everything seems so empty, the lore in this film doesn't match up with the video games at all, the acting is bad even if this was a b-movie, and other than two fights every other fight sucks.

My final rating is Destroy It!

Well I'm all done here. Come back on Saturday, March 13th for my review of Cherry. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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