Friday, June 11, 2021

Infinite Review


Infinite is a sci-fi action movie based on D. Eric Maikranz's The Reincarnationist Papers. The film is produced by Paramount Pictures, Di Bonaventura Pictures, Closet to the Hole Productions, New Republic Pictures, and Fuqua Films and distributed by Paramount+. Infinite is written by Ian Shorr and Todd Stein and directed by Antoine Fuqua.

The story is Evan McCauley has been having hallucinations, he thinks this is because he is a schizophrenic. However, he soon finds out these aren't hallucinations, there memories from his past. And not just any past but his many past lives. Now Evan must find out what this all means while at the same time avoid other forces that want answers to this bizarre question.

Initial Reaction

There were three reasons of why I wanted to see this movie. Reason #1) Antoine Fuqua has directing a lot of good movies. Training Day, Shooter, Olympus Has Fallen, and Southpaw. Reason #2). That premise. It really drew me in. It sounds like it would make this movie very good. and Reason #3) I like some of Mark Wahlberg's movies so naturally I would want to see if this was gonna be one of his good ones.


One negative with Infinite is the villain, Bathurst. He's got a good motivation, he wants to end reincarnation because he views it as a curse. But here's the thing, he made a device called the Egg that will every single living thing that was there isn't any to be reincarnated in but, HE ALREADY HAS A DEVICE LIKE THAT! Throughout the whole movie he's walking around with a gun that kills people and stops them from being reincarnated, so if he hates being reincarnated so much, why not just turn that special gun on yourself? He literally doesn't have to do any of this. Then we have our other characters...they are not interesting. They go through no development at all nor does the movie really attempt to really make us care, sure there's some reason but it wasn't enough. I literally see them either get hurt, nearly die, or die and I didn't care. When you put your characters through all three of those things and nobody cares, you did something wrong. The other issue Infinite has it's forgettable. As I'm writing this I only remember two scenes from the movie, everything else is a blur. Then when the movie's not being forgettable, it's being predictable. One example of this is when they try to build suspense of if Evan will get his memories back. Now had this been written better this could've work but, because the movie's poorly written you know what scene specifically he's gonna get his memories back.

Middle Ground

One grey area with the film is the acting. For the most part it's fine, nothing really spectacular but at the same time nothing that feels like you'd rather watch paint dry. Another grey area is the special effects. For a good portion of the movie they're really good, other times you can tell that it's CGI. Then we have the action. It's fun to watch, I just wish there was more of a good movie for me to be fully invested in them.


I've got nothing to say.

Infinite has okay acting, a lot of good special effects, and some fun action scenes, however those can't save itself from a villain that makes no sense, boring characters, and being both forgettable and predictable.

My final rating is Bad.

So...this was a let down. But do come back on Monday, Jun 14th for my review of the newest Netflix movie, Awake. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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