Thursday, June 17, 2021

Road to The Batman - Batman Returns Review

Batman Returns is a 1992 comic book movie and the sequel to 1989's Batman. The movie was both produced and distributed by Warner Bros. Batman Returns was written by Daniel Waters and Sam Hamm and directed by Tim Burton.

The story is a deformed man calling himself the Penguin is receiving praise for heroically saving a baby from a kidnapper. He seems like a good guy but he isn't. He's planning something but what? That's what Batman is going to found out. However, he may have his hands more full than he thought because not only is the Penguin the newest villain in Gotham City but so is the beautiful but deadly Catwoman.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

One thing that's just a little bit of downside but I feel can be forgiven is there are times when the movie can get slow. But after those slow moments things really do start to pick back up again.

Another grey area with Batman Returns is the action. Some of it is good and I liked it, but thing we have scenes where it's very much of a downgrade compared to the previous movie. Such as the final act, sure I liked it but it didn't have the same intensity and suspense as the first movie.

  • Positives

One positive I'll give the film is the soundtrack. Danny Elfman yet again delivers such like he did for Batman. You got the classic Batman theme, but the one I always enjoyed was the music that played during the Penguin origin scene at the beginning.

What also made this film enjoyable was the Penguin. I thought he was good bad guy. Mainly because the guy is just disgusting. Both with his innuendos and what he's planning to do with the first born sons of Gotham. Hearing and seeing that stuff just really made wish Batman would just punching that guy already.

Another good aspect of Batman Returns is the very thing it was criticized for back in the 90's is the dark tone. You all probably know me by know to know that I do enjoy darker stuff for the comic book genre, so naturally I would dig this. And I'll never understand the complaint about this movie back in the 90s. It's Batman, he's stuff is suppose to be dark.

The last thing I'll give the movie credit for and it's the biggest highlight of the movie and that's the performances. Michael Keaton is once again great as Batman, and this time around I actually kinda liked his Bruce Wayne. Michelle Pfeiffer as Selina Kyle/Catwoman was great. She was really good when she was sharing scenes with Keaton. Then we have Danny DeVito as Penguin.....holy crap was he amazing. Despite all of the makeup that was on his face he still gave us an amazing performance. There were also times when I completely forget that was him in the makeup, not to mention he was committed to this role. When you see the Penguin eating a raw fish, that's real. Danny DeVito is actually eating a REAL raw fish.

The only mix bag with Batman Returns for me is the slow bits and some of the action. Where the movie redeems itself is the great soundtrack, a gross villain, the darker tone, and the performances from Keaton, Pfeiffer, and DeVito.

My final rating is Good.

Well, that's going to do it for me. Come back on Saturday, Jun 19th for my review of the newest Disney/Pixar movie, Luca. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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