Saturday, March 5, 2022

The Batman Review


The Batman is a comic book movie based on the DC Comics' character Batman. The movie is produced by DC Films, 6th & Idaho, and Dylan Clark Productions and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. The Batman is written by Matt Reeves and Peter Craig and directed by Matt Reeves.

The story takes place during Batman's second year of being a vigilante. During an investigation of a murder, Batman finds out the one who committed the crime was someone calling himself "The Riddler". Not only does Bruce have to put a stop to this killer, but he most also deal with corruption across Gotham City, corruption that somehow ties to his family.

Initial Reaction

I think I've made it no secret that I've been excited for this movie for a long time. I put in on my list of most anticipated movies of this year, I made a list of things to watch and read before you see it, and I've watched and reviewed the previous Batman films. Hell, I've even taken my own advice about things to read and watch as we were getting closer and closer to the movie. So I've been pumped about this film for a long time and I was very much excited to finally see it.


I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

Middle Ground

The only mixed feelings I had with the movie was the pacing. For a majority of the time the pacing was good, but at some point and I can't exactly pinpoint where, I did start to feel that nearly three hour runtime. For example with the ending (I won't be given any spoilers, clam down), there's a scene with the Riddler that would've been a perfect way to end things. I understand that maybe while Matt and co. we're writing this, they didn't want to give us something that was sequel-bait, but at the same time the final scene with Batman and Catwoman really did feel like they were stretching the ending just a tad.


One thing I want to praise about the movie was the performances. So much great acting was displayed here. Robert Pattinson and Zoë Kravitz's chemistry was definitely the highlight of the entire film. Paul Dano played a perfectly disturbing Riddler, and Colin Farrell just disappears in that Penguin makeup and voice. What I also really liked about the film was the score. Michael Giacchino has done what every other great composer has done with the previous Batman films, and that's bring an absolutely beautiful score. I could listen to that Batman theme all day, and NOT get tired of it. Then we have The Riddler....I liked this version. Now I have seen quite a few take issue with him being more of a Zodiac like serial killer than what some would've wanted, but Matt Reeves has said he was shooting for this for years now. And it's also not the first time the Riddler's been portrayed as a crazy nutcase. Go read one of my favorite underrated Batman stories Dark Knight, Dark City [Batman #452-454] and you'll see what I'm talking about. Another aspect that made The Batman pretty good was the dark tone. Once again I've actually seen some complain about this part and 1) Did ya watch the trailers "professional critics"? Those things told you what kind of movie you were getting! 2) It's Batman! 3) It's Batman! and 4) It works perfectly with what Matt has been shooting for since he first started. This was very much like a gritty detective story. Which right now is a perfect time to bring up my next bit of praise that being the detective story. We finally see Batman being a detective. Sure, the other movies did sprinkle his detective skills in some scenes, but here, we're truly given a story where Batman's using his brain just as much as his muscles. Now the final thing I'll give credit where it's due is the action. Now there's not too much of here, but with what we got I was satisfied. Especially with the Batmobile chase scene. Those trailers and TV spots didn't even scratch the surface of that chase scene. I can't wait to get my physical copy and rewatch that again.

I had a lot of fun with The Batman. It had great performances, a well done score, I really dug with what they did with the Riddler, the dark tone was great, I loved how this time around things were more of a mystery thriller, and I did like the action. The only gray area was the pacing. For a huge portion of the runtime it was really good. But somewhere during the movie you will start to feel the long length of said runtime.

My final rating is Great.

So yeah check it out. Anyhow, that's all for me. Come back on Monday, Mar 7th for a brand new Is It True? For that one I'll be exploring the world of both Michael Bay and James Bond. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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