Wednesday, March 15, 2017

A Look Back at Beauty and The Beast (1991)

Note: This review contains spoilers. You have been warned.

Image result for beauty and the beast 1991 poster

The new Beauty and The Beast movie is coming out in two days and as always I'm going to look back at the previous Disney film with the same name.

Beauty and The Beast is 1991 animated musical that is the 30th Disney animated feature film and the third film in the Disney Renaissance. It was based on the French tale of the same name back in 1740 by Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont. 

The story is Belle's father Maurice(Rex Everhart) has been taken prisoner by the Beast(Robby Benson) so to free him she offers herself in his place and she unaware that he was once a prince altered by a magic spell.

  • Negatives

Now I understand you guys think this is just me nitpicking this is just something I want to get off my chest. Sometimes Belle's and the Beast's romance can be pretty corny. I mean the ending is they kiss and everything and everybody goes back to normal. Yes I know that it was part of the story because of the circumstances but it was pretty clichéd.

  • Positives

Know it's time to talk about all the good things that came from this movie one of them being the animation. I mean what can I say that hasn't all ready been said the animation from this film is stunning the animators really knew how to do their job because there's even some 3D backgrounds but they don't really take away from the 2D animation.

Another great thing about this movie is how the developed the relationship between Belle and the Beast(by the way I have to call him the Beast because his real name is never given) it's not after spending one day together their in a love it's first she hated him then through time they started to develop something between themselves.

Now let's talk about the main villain and another reason to watch this movie Gaston(Richard White). This guy is just full of himself even at the point when there's an entire scene of him singing about how great he is. Seriously Gaston is the prime example of an egomaniac which makes it so satisfying when he's put in his place and then die sorry if that sounds twisted but the way he talks about himself is just demanding some way to shut him up.

Another thing I love about this movie is Lumiere and Cogsworth seeing this to butt heads was just funny their great friends who get along but at the same time they can get on the other's nerves it was very entertaining.

My final positive to give to this movie is the music it's very well done. Which is kind of a funny thing for me to say because I'm really not into musical but here I liked listening to music in this film it's beautiful.

Beauty and The Beast is one of the best made Disney films it has gorgeous animation, Belle and the Beast relationship is perfectly developed even if I do find their relationship to be cheesy at times, Gaston is a great villain, I loved seeing Lumiere and Cogsworth interact with each other and the music is very good.

My final rating for this movie is A Must Watch.

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