Friday, March 3, 2017

Logan Review

Logan is the ninth film in the X-Men film series and the third and final Wolverine movie. The story is a weary Logan (Hugh Jackman) and a very sick Charles Xavier (Patrick Stewart) are hiding out on the Mexican border but they have to come out of hiding to help a young mutant girl.

  • Negatives

One issue I have with this film is a certain villain. I won't give it away I'll just say he gives Wolverine one hell of a beat down.

  • Positives

A thing to love about this movie is the performances mainly from Hugh Jackman, Patrick Stewart, and Dafne Keen who plays X-23. Hugh Jackman is great at playing a Wolverine who is weathered and weary. Patrick Stewart does a great job at playing an unwell and weak old man. Even Dafne Keen goes great as playing X-23 as this rage filled animal.

Another point this film deserves is how it balances between being an action film and a drama film. One thing doesn't feel like it's favored over the other. There's not too much action and there's not too much drama.

The film also does something I thought it couldn't pull off and that's they put the X-Men comics in the movie. They are used as a plot point about a destination that is save for mutants and how Wolverine can complain about how that's not how things really happened in the film's universe.

Also this film did something to me that most films don't do to me. What it did was when the film was over I was sad. The reason is the film took me on this journey with Logan on his final adventure and once the end credits came up that's it I don't get to see Hugh Jackman as Wolverine anymore.

Logan definitely send Hugh Jackman out with a bang. Although I have a problem with one villain the performances are amazing, it balances the action and drama, that thing with the X-Men comics was pretty clever and something never done before in a superhero movie and it's also a great send off to Wolverine.

My final rating for this movie is Great.

P.S. The comics they used aren't real. There just comics made by artist that 20th Century Fox paid to draw since they don't own the rights to the actual Marvel comics. It's kind of a nice middle finger to Marvel when I think about it.

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