Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Road to Spider-Man: Homecoming - Spider-Man 2 Review

Note: This review contains spoilers. You have been warned

Image result for spider-man 2 poster

Spider-Man 2 is a 2004 film. It tells the story of how Peter Parker(Tobey Maguire) is having some trouble with his personal life while at the same time he must battle a new villain named Doctor Octopus(Alfred Molina).

  • Negatives

My only problem with this film is Mary Jane(Kristen Dunst) kind of has a petty reason to beat Peter down. Her whole reason for being upset with Peter is he missed her play. I know that would bother some people but like I said it made her seem pretty selfish.

  • Positives

One thing to love about this film is yet again the cast performances. They continue to do a go job at portraying these characters I really loved James Franco in this one because of how much anger is showing in this film. There's an excellent scene in where Harry is drunk and just slaps Peter because he stills shows resentment of his father's death in the previous film.

I also like how this film just beats Peter down. They throw almost everything at him such as his late on his studies at college, he gets fired from his job, Mary Jane the girl he loves is going to marry J. Jonah Jameson's son and his also losing his powers. Then when the film comes to an end it's just so great that Peter has saved the day and he also gets the girl.

Another thing this film does right is action. The action here is a must watch. The best action scene in this movie is that train fight between Doc Ock and Spider-Man.
This film also has a great series of scenes when Peter decides not to be Spider-Man anymore because of how this film just beats him down. It's also a good throwback to the story Spider-Man: No More(1967). Read that it's a classic and is one of the best Spider-Man stories to be written.

Spider-Man 2 has great performances, really makes you root for Peter to win, has awesome action, and also has good character development.

Final Rating for this move is Great

So anyway March is going to be a crazy I'm going to be reviewing Logan I can't wait for that movie, I'm also going to be reviewing Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths as part of my Road to Justice League. I'll also review Samurai Jack because the show is finally coming back to TV. I'm going to have a look back at the animated Beauty and the Beast movie and 2014's Godzilla. I might review the new Power Rangers movie. I'm also going to have a new segment on my blog.

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