Thursday, August 16, 2018

I've Cancelled My Aquaman Easter Eggs Post

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Wow first I rant on the "childhood ruined" saying now this. I'm just full of unfortunate news today aren't I?

So yeah everyone I'm just giving you quick update on what's going on around because I like to keep all of you in the know. Anyways as the title has stated I've made the decision to cancel my Aquaman easter egg post. The main reason being I'm making room for a review for the Transformers spin-off Bumblebee. Now yes I know were in the month of August and both these films don't come out until December but I like to be ready now that way I won't feel like a pain in the ass come December. There is a possibility I could bring the easter egg post back but giving how my theater likes to show big action flicks like Bumblebee that most likely won't be the case. Also it's a Transformers movie and since there's a big in matter of fact huge chance that the Salem Twin will make boat loads of money that still says I'll be right about them showing the film. So that's all I wanted to say until then look out for my future post.

State of The Project (Jul 30th - Aug 25th)

Jul 30th - My Top 5 Problems with Today's Film Critics and The Film Fandom

Aug 2nd - Is It True? - Andy's Mom is Jessie's Owner

Aug 4th - Christopher Robin Review

Aug 11th - The Meg Review

Aug 13th - A Rant on The Childhood Ruined Hyperbole

Aug 16th - I've Cancelled My Aquaman Easter Egg Post

Aug 25th - The Happytime Murders Review (NOTE: If my theater doesn't have a showing for this movie, I'll give you an apology post).


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