Monday, January 14, 2019

Road to Glass - Split Review

James McAvoy in Split (2016)

Split is 2017 psychological horror-thriller movie and the second installment of the Eastrail 177 Trilogy. The movie is produced by Blinding Edge Pictures and Blumhouse Productions and distributed by Universal Pictures. Split was written and directed M. Night Shyamalan.

The story is Kevin has 23 personalities each one different from the other. One day Kevin kidnaps three teenage girls named Casey, Claire, and Marcia. All three girls are part of a plan by Dennis (one of Kevin's personalities) to be sacrificed to Kevin's 24th personality named "The Beast". The girls must find a way to escape or they will be killed by this dangerous persona.

  • Negatives

One issue I have with the movie is the other two girls. Claire and Marcia. Due to Shyamalan being more focused on Casey those two other girls get pushed to the back. So there not as fleshed out as like I said Casey.

The other problem in the film is Dr. Fletcher is having a press conference about DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). It's just basically one big exposition dump. It was just "here's a bunch of information until we move on to the next scene".

  • Mix

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Positives

Now there are performances that are great such as Betty Buckley (as Dr. Karen Fletcher) and Anya Taylor-Joy (as Casey Cooke). But the actor who is truly the best out of all the others is James McAvoy as Kevin Crumb. He made sure each personality is different from each other. And you tell that just by the voice and facial expressions he gives each of these personalities.

Now I complained about Claire and Marcia were not very good characters. I thought that was going to be the case for Casey but no. It wasn't. You think she's just going to this blank slate but there are actually lairs to her character. She has a backstory that I won't give away if you haven't seen the film that due to her history it actually helps her out with one of Kevin's personalities.

One thing I wasn't expecting from the movie was it had a good sense of humor. I mean they give us jokes for when we are suppose to laugh. Because before Split and even before Shyamalan's previous film before this The Visit, he put humor in his films but often time you were questioning "should we be laughing or not"? Stuff like that. Here however it's well balanced and not questioning anything.

Another part of Split I want to give the movie credit for is the intense finale. Wow. That was like I said intense. I really can't do the finale justice with my words. It's one of those scenes in film that you have to see to believe.

The final thing I'll praise Split for is the ending. When I first saw the movie awhile back it completely took me by surprise. And even watching it again for this review it's still surprising.

Split was definitely one of the best films from 2017. It has great performances mostly from McAvoy, Casey is very fleshed out, there's a good sense of humor without it being inappropriate, a perfect intense finale, and an awesome ending. My only problems with the film are Claire and Marcia just kind of being there and that exposition scene with Dr. Fletcher. But with this movie the good out ways the bad.

My final rating is Great

So that's going to do it for me guys. My review for Glass will either come out on Saturday or Sunday. It all depends on when my buddy Brian can see it with me. Yes I could see it for myself on Friday but I made a promise I wouldn't and I'd rather not break a promise to a friend. Also before my review of Glass goes up come back on Thursday, January 17th for my review of the new DC animated film Reign of the Supermen. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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