Monday, January 28, 2019

Awful Moviegoers Rant 2

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You know I was actually debating if I should even make another one of these, but after what happened back in late 2017 to 2018 I just have to get this off my chest. So yes I'm making another rant of my annoyance from awful moviegoers. If you want to look at my previous rant just click here. So let's being shall we?

Nov 3rd, 2017

So on this day it was the release of Thor: Ragnarok and while I'm not the biggest Thor fan I was still looking forward to the movie. Now everything felt great everything felt very quite just like a theater should be. But then this two obnoxious idiots came in and I swear either they don't know how to whisper or they always talk like frat boys. This was seriously their conversation.

Guy #1: DUDE! Are these those rumbler seats I've heard about!

Guy #2: Yeah dude!

Guy #1: Whhhaaatttt! Whhhhaaattt!

Yeah...that was the way they talked. Sure it was only a minor annoyance but come on not everybody wants to know what kind of bros you are. Luckily they remained silent throughout the whole movie. So I guess there's that.

Apr 6th, 2018

Around this time this is when the film A Quiet Place and I was really looking forward to this movie because I would have been a challenge for me. Because looking back at the previous films I reviewed this was an original story. All my other reviews were usually an adaption or sequel. So when I entered the theater I was nicely comfortable. I had a drink, popcorn, and a good seat. Unfortunately my relaxation was ruined because someone just had to use their cellphone. Now luckily they didn't use it during the movie unluckily that had the flashlight on and got hit directly in the face. And I'm not talking a tiny bit of it or a slim bit of light I'm talk the full light got in my face. Now I admit I have used a flashlight on my phone before during a theater but that was when the movie was long over. And I know for a sure fact if with a dim flashlight whatever you're doing can be done with that dim light.

Aug 3rd, 2018

On this day I was going to see Christopher Robin. There I was with my root beer in one hand and popcorn in the other ready to enjoy a wholesome Disney movie. Then this family came out to the front room to the recliner seats right where I was. Now they were perfectly fine when the lights were on and before any previews or trivia questions came but then all that changed when the lights went off. The mom was playing on her phone and her son being very loud. One question came up was some question related to Batman and her kid shouted "BRUCE WAYNE!" then we got another question I forget what it was and yet again the kid was shouting. He's not whispering he's shouting. And there's mom playing on her phone and says tell her kid "hush". But in instead of saying with authority it was just boredom. Then the movie starts luckily the kid was quiet (thankfully). But we still have mom dicking around on her phone. She's doing this for the entire opening. I'm starting to think we need to have those cubbies from preschool in the movie theater. But instead of your jacket, your bag, or anything else it's your phone.

Sept 14th, 2018

During this time I was off to see The Predator. Now unfortunately we did have a problem with the film, it did stutter for one scene but that wasn't the problem I faced. It was yet again another phone situation! During the scene where the soldiers are being transported on a bus someone across from thought "hey it's time to whip out my phone." Why!? Why do people feel the need to take their phones out during the f*cking movie! I don't get it! There are not one not two but three different messages telling you to turn your phones off! How many times do movie theaters need to tell you to turn your phone off! Seriously guys this whole deal with cellphones really drives a film buff like me crazy.

Oct 5th, 2018

So this was an exciting time because one of my most anticipated comic book films Venom was coming out. Now I'm going to be honest around that time that was my second viewing. The first time my buddy Brian said "Hey man you want to hangout and see an early screening of Venom with me?" Now I enjoyed that movie but I wanted to see it a second time that way when I posted my review it didn't come off like a bias fanboy. So I go to my second viewing of Venom and of course more cellphone usage! Because apparently people can't go an 1 hour or maybe 2 hours without going on their damn cellphones! During the middle part of the second act some teenage girl decided to look at her phone. Now shockingly she went to the lobby. I was like "oh...someone finally gets it." Only for her to go back twenty seconds later and continue playing on it! Soooo basically she understood 8% of what a movie theater has been telling people. So she continues looking at her phone until the second act was over and we began the third act. I'm starting to think there should be a law that says you're legally allowed to destroy someone's phone. I know that sounds extreme but I had enough of these damn cellphones!

Nov 21st, 2018

Now we're on my final terrible experience with awful moviegoers and it was the worst of them all. I was going to see Ralph Breaks the Internet and to be fair I was expect some rowdy kids but rowdy kids and adults that don't know how to discipline their kids was not something I was expecting. This had to be the worst crowd I have ever been with. One, we had two teenage girls who felt the need to take a selfie a dark theater room. Why couldn't they do it the lobby you may ask? Well that would have been convenient for everyone else around them. Then we had a family who apparently the parents didn't know what do. They had their son who I guess may have been four years old. He's running back and forth between sections. He's also jumping up and flinging his arms around and just to make matters worse he's clinging he's cup's lid and the cup together to make this annoying popping sound while at the same time yelling "aaahhh!" Every once in awhile the mom would give him a look and he would remain calm for a few minutes then he go right back at it. And then of course just to make even more awful another teenage girl decides to look at her phone because "oh we just have to see what my Twitter and/or Facebook status is." I can not tell you how tempted I was to leave and come back for another showing. It was that bad and it was definitely the worst theater experience I've had.

So that's going to do it for me. Hopefully and I mean hopefully with my fingers crossed I never deal with this again. Seriously folks if your going to go see a movie remember this. A movie theater is like your public library, who have to be absolutely quiet and respectful to the people around you. A movie theater is NOT a playground! Oh I almost forgot on Thursday, January 31st look out for my review of How To Train Your Dragon. That will be part one of the Road to How To Train Your Dragon: The Hidden World.

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