Thursday, January 10, 2019

Road to Glass - Unbreakable Review

Hello everyone and welcome to a series of reviews I never thought I do we are. So anyways with the movie Glass coming out soon I figured I review the first two films in M. Night Shyamalan's cinematic universe. So let's being with the film that started it all Unbreakable.

Unbreakable is 2000 superhero film and the first part of the Eastrail 177 Trilogy. The movie is produced by Touchstone Pictures, Blinding Edge Pictures, Barry Mendel Productions, and Limited Edition Productions Inc. and distributed by Buena Vista Pictures. Unbreakable was written and directed by M. Night Shyamalan.

The story is after surviving a fatal train crash David Dunn wants to find out how that could be. Especially since he didn't even get a small scratch on him. While he's figuring out how his newly found powers work, he also finds a conspiracy that may explain why Eastrail #177 crashed.

  • Negatives

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Mix

I've got nothing to say. Let's move on.

  • Positives

One aspect of this movie I like was it was a superhero film in disguise. When I first watched this movie without knowing a single thing I about it I was surprise it was all about David becoming a real-life superhero.

Another thing I love about this movie is it does something I wish more comic book films would instead of it being a rare case, is it brings a very serious tone to the genre. There aren't any one liners or jokes the movie plays it straight through and through.

The biggest surprise for me with Unbreakable is Bruce Willis' performance. Now no I never thought he was a bad actor by any means. What I'm saying is he gives a very strong performance in this movie. Even when he's not talking the character he still saying something through his facial expressions and/or body language.

Now I want to talk Elijah Prince. He's very much an interesting character. One thing that helps he's character stand out is the disease he has called Type I osteogenesis imperfecta or brittle bone disease. Basically it means he's bones can be easily broken. So in this movie he feel sorry for him. But with how strongly he believes in his beliefs you really start to admire him.

Another part of the film to love is James Newton Howard's score. Wow. His music for this film is so underrated. I mean the best parts of the music is when David rescues people from someone called "The Orange Man" and his choking him out. The music for that scene is so inspirational. Yeah I know that sounded messed up but to watch that scene and try to tell me after that you don't want to be a superhero.

The other piece of the movie I liked is there are certain parts in the movie that are framed like a comic book. In some comics a character will be reflected on to a doorway or he just see their reflection. Like I said it's very comic book-ish.

Now to discuss the twist. Now back in 2000 when the film came out nobody liked the twist to Unbreakable. Back then they were pretty much expecting something like Shyamalan's previous movie The Sixth Sense. But if you rewatch the film you'll notice that it makes sense for this character to be the villain in this movie.

Unbreakable is a criminally underrated film. It was a superhero film without telling us it's a superhero film, I love the serious tone, Willis' performance is great, Elijah's a very interesting character, James Newton Howard's score is amazing, there are certain shots that give the movie a comic book feel, and the twist is actually pretty good.

My final rating is A Must Watch

Alright everyone that's going to do it for me. Come back Monday, January 14th for part two of my Road to Glass with my review of 2017's Split. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.

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