Monday, November 1, 2021

Road to The Matrix Resurrections - The Matrix Revolutions Review


The Matrix Revolutions is a 2003 sci-fi action film and the third installment in The Matrix film series. The movie was produced by Village Roadshow Pictures, NPV Entertainment, and Silver Pictures and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. The Matrix Revolutions was written and directed by The Wachowski Brothers.

The story is it's the final stand between men and machines. Humanity's only hope is Neo, but he's trapped in some sort of limbo world and must get out. Now our remaining heroes must find a way to help Neo escape and put an end to the machines once and for all, before the last remaining humans are wiped out.'

  • Negatives

My only REAL problem with the Revolutions is there's nothing new. Everything is basically just continuing things from Reloaded.

  • Mix

One of the more mix elements of the film is sometimes the symbolism or some of the philosophical talk can be on the nose. Like I remember this one scene where our characters have to get Neo out of limbo, and during this club scene we meet a guy who is clearly suppose to be the Devil or some sort of stand in. Then they have to use an elevator and the press a button with the word "help" on it, but the "p" is scratched off....hmmm....I wonder what the word help would look like but if you remove the "p"? Yeah, real obvious stuff like that. Other times it sort of works and I have no issue with it.

What was also a little bit on the gray side of things were the special effects. I was the more bad CGI slide in Reloaded because I had such a fun time. And while the final battle between Neo and Mr. Smith was still pretty entertaining I will admit this time when bad CG was present it was harder to ignore. The reason being at the time this was suppose to be the final movie, so you would figure they would want better CG, sadly that wasn't the case. Despite that, there were quite a few times when the special effects were really good, and I didn't really feel the need to roll my eyes.

The other somewhat issue with the film was the characters aren't exactly even out. For instance, Neo is gone for a good portion of the movie. Which isn't a good thing considering that's the main character. It still felt like the filmmakers were trying to keep it balanced, but I think when they were making the movie they felt like they couldn't cut away from a scene because A) then the scene would've looked like it was fully finished and B) because some of those scenes were probably dropping something important to us.

  • Positives

One good aspect of The Matrix Revolutions is the directing. Even if there were some questionable moments, such as Agent Smith's evil laugh and smile, I still felt like the Wachowski's still managed to directing a one part beautiful film and another part dark and grimy film.

What I also liked and this is one of the things that REALLY saves the movie is the action. Even if the CGI could bother me sometimes, there were other times when I was completely hooked and loved everything I was seeing. One of my favorite action scenes is that whole battle in Zion. I thought that was awesome.

The Matrix Revolutions isn't a bad movie it's just decent. There was good directing and the action can be very fun. The things that really needed to be worked on were the more symbolic/philosophical aspects cause this time around it could be very obvious and in your face about it, the special effects, and the balance of our characters. The only downside is there wasn't anything new added. It's mostly stuff we got from the second movie.

My final rating is Okay.

Hopefully The Matrix Resurrections will be an improvement but we'll just have to wait until December. Anyhow, that's going to do it for me. Come back on Thursday, Nov 4th for my Look Back at review of the 2020 revival of the Animaniacs. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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