Monday, April 5, 2021

Other Fan Movements That Need Support

Every since I first joined the #ReleaseTheSnyderCut movement I've noticed and supported other's who have done the same thing but for different movies. Which makes sense, the Snyder cut movement after so many years finally got their wish with an announcement and we made it to the finish line when we all finally got to see Zack Snyder's Justice League on Mar 18th. Granted that spawn into a new hashtag (#RestoreTheSnyderVerse) because for whatever reason Warner Bros. are very stubborn when it comes to Zack or anything else related to his version of the DC Universe.

But I'm not here to talk only the SnyderVerse. I want to showcase other fan movements with their own hashtags that aren't only related to DC stuff. So here are the fan movements we should show support to and hope one day they two can feel the joy and excitement the Snyder cut movement felt.

So here they are, the fan movements that deserve more love and support.



Now this isn't a new hashtag in matter of fact I think it's been around such as long as the Snyder cut hashtag, but none the less it's still important.

This is a very similar situation to Zack Snyder and Justice League but way before Zack was working on it. Basically David Ayer (a director known for such films such as Training Day, End of Watch, and Fury) was working on Suicide Squad but because the negative reception that Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice got Ayer was told to re-work the movie into something that was more fun and something with more jokes involved. Even though that wasn't what he originally intended.

I mean look the SDCC trailer from 2015.

Now compare it to the other trailers. There's definitely a shift in the tone, sure they have some sort of girt to them but knowing what we know now it's clear that the latter of the two was a more Warner Bros. studio movie than a David Ayer flick.

And with Ayer being more and more vocal about the changes that were done to his movie this movement does seem to get more and more attention. But from my point a view it does seem to get overshadowed by movies related to Snyder. Although this movie is now lumped into the newest hashtag #RestoreTheSnyderVerse. So maybe this cut will get more attention because of that newest hashtag.


Yes, even a movie released back in 1995 is getting the #ReleaseThe_______Cut. And rightfully so. Because apparently even back then Warner Bros. wanted their movies all chopped up.

You're probably thinking why would people want a director's cut of Batman Forever? Well because Joel Schumacher originally didn't want that movie to be the version we know. Originally he wanted the movie to be much darker and longer, coming in at 2 hours and 40 minutes. In matter of fact some of the stuff that was cut and that part that interest me was a focus on Bruce's psychological issues. If you want more of the changes that were done, FilmJunkee did a video about it.

Now I feel as though this movement's attention has falling down. I want that to change. So to anybody reading this please give this movement some attention. Not only for the fans but for Joel Schumacher who sadly passed away on Jun 22nd, 2020.


Some of you are probably wondering what this one is about, well let me explain.

Basically this fan movement is all about getting the 2019 film Alita: Battle Angel a sequel. And after watching the movie and doing a review for it last year, I can see why. Sure it has its flaws but overall pretty good movie.

Now the reason why I want this movement to get more support is back I feel as though it doesn't really get that much attention. Now maybe I'm wrong I'm just saying all of this from my point of view so don't get mad. Now this fan movement deserves it's time in the sun because why shouldn't they get a sequel to their movie? Especially since said movie has gathered a huge cult following and James Cameron and Robert Rodriguez themselves want to do a sequel.

And come on, this movement helped with the Snyder cut movement. Need I say more.


This is a movement I wasn't even aware of until I think a month ago.

Yes, it's not only DC movies that get butchered and getting hashtags about a director's cut but even Marvel faces this problem. So yeah, this movie is all about the two Amazing Spider-Man films getting things cut that probably would've helped made the quality of those films even better.

Like I said before I wasn't even aware of this stuff, but after doing some research and looking at the groups Twitter page there was a lot. A lot more stuff that got cut out than I realized.

Things such as more extended fights scene with The Lizard and we would've seen Mary Jane Watson (played by Shailene Woodley) in Amazing Spider-Man 2. I really want this movement not only to get more attention but I would also like to see a different version of those movies even though I really did like them for what they are currently.


Yep, another Spider-Man hashtag. Only this one is about a film series me and many people like me grew up with. I'm talking about a the fan's demand for Spider-Man 4.

This movement's request is very simply, that just want Sam Raimi to be able to do a fourth Spider-Man movie. And I can understand that request. Because like the people asking for this I grew up with Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man. And if you watch this interview with Sam Raimi it's clear that he wanted to make this one better than the last movie.

And after watching that interview me and the rest of this movement would really like to see him do another movie.


Now this one I didn't even know about until a week ago.

So yes, apparently there's a cut of Terminator: Salvation that's not exactly like the one we saw in theaters. Now I'm not the biggest McG fan but I did kind of like Terminator: Salvation. Then I read this article about McG talking about his director's cut and it being darker than the theatrical cut, so that peaked me interest. Then I wanted this movement to gain even more support when I read this article by Brad Curran. Gotta say that's quite an ending.

Sure that original ending might have pissed people off but other than that I'm also curious about what else was cut during this movie's production. So I'm hoping this cut of the film and the supporters surrounding it gets it's time to shine and their cut of the movie released.


Now we switch over back to the DC side of things.

Basically what this movement wants is more of Joe Mangainello's Deathstroke. Because if you look back Joe Mangainello and director Gareth Evans (best known for The Raid and The Raid 2) had a project set and ready to go. I was really looking forward to that movie because Evans described it as a "dark and unforgiving story".

Now I would love to see this movement get a win because 1) Deathstroke is a great character that would make for a great movie. And 2) Mangainello himself said that a revival is possible. So fingers cross Deathstroke movement ya may get your wish.


Okay, last DC fan hashtag.

This is is probably obvious but let me explain. This movement would like to see Ben Affleck's Batman movie be made. I want them (the movement) to have their wish come true because if you read about what this movie could've been, you yourself would want this movie.

We would've gone to Arkham, Deathstroke would've been the villain, and going back to Deathstroke his fights with Batman would have been something similar to the fight cutscene you'd see from Batman: Arkham Origins. Which means you would've gotten something like this,

And another reason why I want this fan movement to succeed his because Jay Olivia (director of animated DC films such as Batman: The Dark Knight Returns and storyboard artist for films such Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice) has said it's the best Batman script he's ever read.


Now we have a fan hashtag that's neither DC or Marvel but one to a beloved franchise.

Basically this fan movement wants Shane Black's original vision for The Predator. Now I didn't mind the version we got but after doing so much research I realized we could've gotten more. Like for instance that pic up above. That's not some silly production photo no, the humans and two predators were going to team-up.

Sadly this movement isn't big, you probably didn't hear about until now. Which like many other movements on this list I do hope in due time they grow and grow, and their voices are heard. So to anybody reading this get on your social media accounts and start tweeting.


This fan hashtag is sadly one I've even left but I hope in due time it's hashtag makes a big comeback.

Once again we have a movement wanting to see the director's cut of a movie. But this is one is what was going to be the big finale of the X-Men film series. Now I liked the theatrical cut of Dark Phoenix, it wasn't too bad it was just an okay film. But like movie other movies I want to see the director's original vision. Because that's the one he (Simon Kinberg in this case) wanted us the fans to see.

So I really hope this fanbase gets to see the Kingberg cut of this movie. Especially since they didn't get to see much of the original Dark Phoenix.

Now there's many other fan hashtags that I most definitely forgot about, so for that I'm sorry. But don't complain to me please, please, PLEASE go on social media and tweet! Tell all the studios and executives you want to see the filmmaker's vision not the studio's vision.

Anyhow, that's going to do it for me. Come back on Thursday, Apr 8th for my Underrated Films review of Blind Fury. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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