Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Matrix Resurrections Review


The Matrix Resurrections is a sci-fi action film and the fourth movie in The Matrix film series. The movie is produced by Village Roadshow Pictures and Venus Castina Productions and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. The Matrix Resurrections is written by Lana Wachowski, David Mitchell, and Aleksandar Hemon and directed by Lana Wachowski.

The story is it's been many years after the events of The Matrix Revolutions, and things are rather....odd. Neo is back to living a normal life and is going by Thomas Anderson again and his now a video game developer, to make things even more strange Trinity seems to be alive, but they both don't recognize each other. Later someone claiming to be Morpheus offers him the red pill, and Neo not only rediscovers the Matrix, but also learns of a new enemy.

Initial Reaction

Now I've been a fan of The Matrix series ever seen my sister showed me the first movie a couple of years ago. Since then, whenever I feel like it or whenever it's on TV, I sit down and watch the movie. I even kind of liked the sequels. So when I heard a fourth one was coming out and Keanu was returning I was hyped. And I got even more so when the marketing finally kicked in.


One of the many big issues with the film is the meta commentary. It's really doesn't need to be eye. It got so meta, that I was just waiting for one or all of the characters to just turn and wink at the camera. Which really damages the film. Because whenever I think of the Matrix, I don't think of this self aware franchise. And it's really not that clever either. There's an entire montage scene where Neo and his fellow employees are developing a fourth video game for the Matrix (Yes. That's an actual thing in the movie), and you guessed it, they completely missed the point of the series. Yep. Definitely didn't see that one coming. Then we have the nostalgia. This bit of the movie quite literally could've been written out. It served no purpose at all. It's not like with Spider-Man: No Way Home, where they took all of the old characters and put them on a new adventure. Okay, there is a new adventure but, a lot of the times it's just recreating scenes. Like when Neo fights Smith, there are a lot of times when a move they've used in a previous fight, will be used in this current fight. Then we have the post-credit scene. Yeah we have those now. What was the point of that?! That scene had no reason to be here. What made it when worse was, it could've been put into the montage. So why was there a need to be here? I don't know.

Middle Ground

One mix bag was the action. It was fine, although it didn't have the same impact as the previous movies. There was also the special effects. A lot of the times there pretty good, other times it painfully obvious when CGI was used.


What really worked for The Matrix Resurrections was Keanu Reeves and Carrie-Ann Moss. Their performances/chemistry really does somewhat prevent from giving this a lower rating. Lana also did a pretty good job directing this. There were a lot of shots that I really enjoyed.

The Matrix Resurrections is a huge let down. Because of the film's poor quality I'm not gonna be surprised, when people have a new found love for Reloaded and Revolutions. Cause with those movies you didn't have out of place meta stuff, easy to write out nostalgia, and a post-credit scene that'll make ya face palm. There was some decent action and special effects. While Lana's directing is good, it's really Keanu and Carrie-Ann that help the movie quite a bit.

My final rating is Bad.

Okay, that's going to do it for me. I hope you'll come back on Monday, Dec 27th for my review of Don't Look Up. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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