Monday, September 25, 2017

The Top 4 Cinematic Universes That I'm Skeptical About

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Art belongs to Maxkid1030

So it's no big secret that film studios want to make their own cinematic universe. Hell there are cinematic universes everywhere nowadays. There's the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the DC Extended Universe, the MonsterVerse, the Dark Universe, the Conjuring Universe, and the Lego Film Universe. Cinematic universes are all over the place, however these are the top four cinematic universes that I'm questioning if studios can pull off or make it work. But before I get started let me just explain that some of these are rumors or they might happen but could get scrapped if things don't work out. So enough of that let's do this.

Image result for valiant comics

#4. The Valiant Cinematic Universe

Let me get a couple of things out of the way. One I haven't read any of Valiant's comics so I don't know how they are quality wise and two I've got nothing against them so let me explain why I don't think their cinematic universe is going to work. The biggest reason for me is their competition DC and Marvel. They are both killing it with their movies and I don't think Valiant will stand a change against them. Mainly because general audiences are more familiar with superheroes like Superman and Spider-Man then they are with Bloodshot or X-O Manowar. But hey if they can pull it off more power to them.

#3. The Hanna-Barbera Cinematic Universe

Now this is one I think might kind of work but it's on this list for one reason. That reason being the people behind this universe better do these characters justice or there will be hell to pay. Because there are generations that grew up with these characters and if the filmmakers get them wrong they'll never hear the end of it. So I actually hope they do well but the studios absolutely need to find the right directors, actors, and writers for this universe. One thing they better not do is make it live-action whenever a cartoon is made into a live-action movie it always spells trouble.

Image result for hasbro cinematic universe

#2. The Hasbro Cinematic Universe

Yeah that picture above that I'm using isn't a joke, Hasbro is actually considering making their own cinematic universe. Now a crossover between Hasbro properties has happened before there's a comic series titled Transformers vs. G.I. Joe. They are thinking about doing a crossover like that but they also want to include M.A.S.K., Micronauts, Rom, and Visionaries. They also confirmed they have writers for their cinematic universe and it was reported that a script for a Transformers and G.I. Joe crossover is being written. So they'll get some butts in seats with the Transformers/G.I. Joe movie but the other stuff. I don't know. But in all honest I wish them they best of luck.

Image result for call of duty cinematic universe

#1. The Call of Duty Cinematic Universe

Alright now this is one cinematic universe out of all them that I find stupid! It's just...why? Of all the video game franchises to make a cinematic universe out of why Call of Duty? From what I've heard about the games is that they all sound like the same thing. So Activision you better get some damn good writers, directors, and actors for this film series because if you don't this will blow up in your face. I'll give this cinematic universe the benefit of the doubt but until we see some footage, this idea sounds awful.

So that's all I have to say and come back on Thursday when I tell you about my plans for next month.

State of The Project (Sept 11th - Sept 28th)

Sept 11th - Cinematic Disasters - Captain America (1990)

Sept 14th - Things to Read/Watch Before Seeing Justice League

Sept 18th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Adventures - The Forever War

Sept 21st - Differences Between Captain America: Civil War and Marvel Comics' Civil War

Sept 23rd - The Lego Ninjago Movie Review

Sept 25th - The Top 4 Cinematic Universes That I'm Skeptical About

Sept 28th - Plans for October


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