Thursday, September 14, 2017

Things to Read/Watch Before Seeing Justice League

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Hey everybody with Justice League only a few months away I thought it would be a good idea to give you some suggestions on what to read or watch to prepare yourself for the upcoming film. I also wanted to have another go at this because a lot of you did like this when I did it for Logan back in March. Only this time I'll be breaking this down into parts from the comics and what their continuity is from Pre-Crisis to Pre-New 52 to Rebirth, cartoons, and movies. And just like Logan I'll provide you links to the comic books.


Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths

Image result for the brave and the bold #28

One of the comics you should read is The Brave and The Bold #28. This should be read because it was the Justice League's first appearance. Yes might come off as cheesy or goofy but it was the 60's that was the time to cheesy and goofy.

Pre-New 52

Image result for jla new world order

Another comic you should read is JLA: New World Order. I recommend this because it's a great read, it was relaunch that helped DC Comics when things weren't going well for them back in the 90's, and it's one of the Justice League's best stories. It's also written by Grant Morrison who is known for being the best writer in the comic book business.
Note: Only read issues #1-4 for the New World Order storyline

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Now this story arc is where the Justice League travel to a future where Darkseid has figured out the Anti-Life equation. I say you should read this because once again written by Grant Morrison but also in the upcoming Justice League film it has a connection to Darkseid and feel like if you don't know who Darkseid is this story will help get a good idea of who he is.
Note: Only read issues #10-15 for the Rock of Ages storyline

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I'll just leave this plain and simple this comic is a must read. Not only does this make the villains of the story more dangerous than what they all ready were but it also shows just how far Batman is willing to go to stop his fellow Justice League members if they ever go rouge.
Note: Only read issues #43-46 for the Tower of Babel storyline.

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The final story I recommend you to read in the Pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths is JLA: Earth 2. The story about the Alexander Luthor seeking help from the Justice League to fight the Crime Syndicate(evil versions of the Justice League from an alternate Earth). It's great Crime Syndicate vs. Justice League story and an all time classic.

The New 52

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One of the best storylines to come out of DC's The New 52 (a reboot to their comic book universe almost like Crisis on Infinite Earths) is Justice League Origin. Judging from what I've seen from the Justice League trailers you have got to read this. The film is clearly taking inspiration from this storyline only with a few changes here and there.

Image result for justice league volume 3 throne of atlantis

The next story I feel like you should read is the Throne of Atlantis story arc. While it's more an Aquaman story the Justice League are very much involved in it. And besides Origin it's one of my favorite Justice League stories in The New 52.

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My final pick for a Justice League story in The New 52 era is The Darkseid War. It's a very interesting story about The Anti-Monitor going to war with Darkseid. Once again like Rock of Ages maybe this will give you an idea of who Darkseid is if your not familiar with him.
Note: Only read issues #40-50 for The Darkseid War storyline


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When The New 52 ended DC rebranded not rebooted with their new brand Rebirth. Now there are no stories I feel like you should specifically read I suggest you read every single issues of this Justice League series. Also quick side note The New 52 Superman died and the Pre-New 52 Superman replaced him. Now if that sounded odd just read Convergence: Superman, Superman: Lois and Clark, and The Final Days of Superman in that order and hopefully that will give you an idea of what I'm talking about.

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I also think you guys should read Justice League vs. Suicide Squad. I think you should read this not because the comic contains similarities with the upcoming movie I just think you should read because it's a fun story.


Image result for justice league 2001 cartoon

The only cartoons I think you should watch are Justice League the 2001 series and it's successor Justice League: Unlimited. I won't give any links because I only do that for comic books but you'll most likely find those cartoons fairly easily online.


Image result for justice league the new frontier poster

One film I think you should watch is Justice League: The New Frontier. I would have also recommended the comic book but this movie is pretty much the comic with only a few changes. I think you should watch this film because it has a great story, fantastic animation, and great voice performances.

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Now if none of you want to read JLA: Earth 2 then watch the movie Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths. It's that storyline but much like The New Frontier has a few changes.

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Another movie I think you should check out is Justice League: Doom. Now this movie is loose adaption of the Tower of Babel storyline. There are many changes like the members in the Justice League. But it's still a very decent movie that will keep you entertained.

Image result for justice league the flashpoint paradox poster

If any of you are fans of dark and gritty superhero films well here you go. Justice League: The Flashpoint Paradox is an adaption of the DC event story Flashpoint and despite some changes here and there and some character designs that are a little weird this is still an enjoyable movie. Also this film is very violent you've been warned.

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Now if you don't want to read Justice League Origin then just watch Justice League War. There are a lot of changes done but some of them are minor so if anything you are still watching the Origin storyline. Also yet again the live-action Justice League does seem to be taking inspiration from this so you should watch this movie or read the story.

Image result for justice league throne of atlantis movie poster

This is another storyline that was changed a lot. Throne of Atlantis the animated movie is both the Throne of Atlantis storyline and an Aquaman origin story but that doesn't mean the movie is bad. You'll have a lot of fun watching this movie and I think you should give it a look.

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Regardless and how you feel about Man of Steel you should still watch it. It started the DC Extended Universe thus it's a good first step to prep yourself for the upcoming Justice League film.

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Now this movie I strongly feel you need to watch. Mainly because Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is a prequel to Justice League. Which means a large majority of things that happened in this movie will be brought up in Justice League. So you definitely need to watch Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice whether you think it's good or bad.

Image result for Suicide Squad Poster

Now you can probably skip Suicide Squad because really only the first act touches upon the aftermath of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, there's also a cameo from another superhero that isn't just Batman, and the mid-credit scene touches upon the Justice League. But if you want to watch what's unfolding throughout the DC Extended Universe than watch this.

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Wonder Woman is a standalone movie so that means it's not going to give you any hints or winks to Justice League. But if you want to get to know her character than watch this movie and yet again if you want to know the world that the DC Extended Universe is building than watch it.

So I hoped this was somewhat helpful and I hope you enjoy reading or watching anything Justice League related. And I know I posted this a lot earlier than I did with Logan but that's because I recommended a lot more than what I did with Logan.

State of The Project (Sept 6th - Sept 21st)

Sept 6th - My Stephen King Post Will Be Uploaded Earlier Than Expected

Sept 7th - What You Probably Didn't Know About Stephen King

Sept 9th - It Review

Sept 11th - Cinematic Disasters - Captain America (1990)

Sept 14th - Things to Read/Watch Before Seeing Justice League

Sept 18th - Raiders of The Lost Media - Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - The Forever War

Sept 21st - Differences Between Captain America: Civil War and Marvel Comics' Civil War


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