Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi (or simply Return of the Jedi) is a 1983 epic space opera and the third film in the Original Star Wars Trilogy and the overall sixth film in the franchise. The movie is produced by Lucasfilm Ltd. and distributed by 20th Century Fox. Return of the Jedi was written by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas and directed by Richard Marquand.
The story is the Galactic Empire has been constructing a new Death Star under the direction of the Emperor. With this new Death Star the Rebel Alliance plan to launch a full-scale attack on the Empire and finally bring peace to the galaxy. Meanwhile Luke is struggling to bring his father Darth Vader back to the light side of the Force.
- Negatives
One of the biggest issues with Return of the Jedi is there's a lot exposition scenes. A lot of which shouldn't be in the movie. For instance when C-3PO is at Jabba's Palace and sees Han Solo still frozen in carbonite he says "It's Han and he's still frozen in carbonite". That was quite literally a hey we're telling you this just encase you forgot moment.
The other issue with the film is when the Ewoks and Rebels befriend each other it then becomes a moment to pad out the movie. Like the whole movie just stalls right there and by the end of Return of the Jedi it added nothing. The whole sequence either should have been shorten down or cut of the film completely.
- Mix
The more grey area with the movie is the special effects. Now I'm not comparing them to the prequel trilogy I'm comparing them to A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back when you look the effects back to back Return of The Jedi's effects are little bit outdated in some areas. For instance some of the Rancor stop motion shots look odd and the blue screen is quite obvious in some places. But there are instances were the effects are nicely done and really help you get past the more questionable ones.
- Positives
Now it's time to tell you about some of the good things about Return of the Jedi. For instances there are a lot of good and well done moments spread out though the movie. Like a funeral scene for a certain character.
The other positive aspect of the movie is Luke's new characterization. This is clearly NOT the same Luke we saw in A New Hope and The Empire Strikes Back. This one is a true hero and is a Jedi knight, it was very refreshing to see him take the role we were hyped to see when we first saw fight Darth Vader.
Another thing to like about Return of the Jedi is the ongoing confrontation between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. The writers did a great job of having Luke try his best to bring his father back to the light side of the force. And throughout the whole movie you just want him to succeed in that task.
The final thing I'll give the film credit for is the action. Once again and much like all of the Star Wars films we're giving some great action scenes. My favorites were the Rancor scene and the lightsaber duel between Luke and Darth Vader (that one had a lot of tension in it).
Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi is an alright movie. It has some pretty good moments, Luke's new character traits were awesome, Luke's ongoing struggle to help his father was the highlight of the whole movie, and the action was a thrill ride. The special effects were great in some places others could have used more work. The only bad things are all of the exposition and what I call the Ewok Stall Moment.
My final rating is Okay
Return of the Jedi may not be the big grand finale to the original trilogy like some people make it out to be but it's still enjoyable. Anyways that's all for me come back on Thursday, September 5th for my review of season one of DC's Titans. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.