Thursday, July 7, 2022

Why I Gotta Bad Feeling About Thor: Love and Thunder

So after thinking about and seeing the trailers, I sadly got a bad feeling regrading Thor: Love and Thunder. Yes, I very much do believe you should judge a movie when it's released, but with all the stuff I've been seeing, and all of the stuff with the director. I'm sadly doubting this movie. Sure, it'll still make it's money back like all MCU films do, but making lots of money doesn't mean a film is actually good.

So enough of this intro, let's get to it. Here are my reasons why have I have sour feelings about the newest Thor movie.

The Movie Will Continue Thor's Downward Spiral as a Character

Now some of you are probably asking what do I mean by this? Well let me explain. When the first Thor movie came out back in 2011 the character was treated like well the God of Thunder. Yes he would still have some comedic moments, but at least it still felt like he was the same character that was in the first movie. Then came Thor: Ragnarok. In that movie while he still was pretty cool, the comedic scenes were definitely dialed up to eleven. Things seemed promising with Avengers: Infinity War, but then Avengers: Endgame happened and I'm still to this day baffled by the stupid "Fat Thor" sthick.

And from what we're seeing with the trailers, tv spots, and other marketing it seems like we're still going to get a Thor who doesn't even seem like the same guy from the 2011 film.

Taking Influence from Hated Material

Oh boy, this one is most likely gonna get me into trouble, but oh well.

Anyhow, taking influence from the God Butcher storyline is fine, from what I hear it's good, but the Lady Thor stuff on the other hand, yeah that's not good.

Now people's issue wasn't the fact that Jane's a woman, that's an idiotic thing that "wokes" were using to cover up the main issues. One of those being Thor isn't a mantle it's the guy's name, but the biggest issue came from the whole cancer aspect of the story. Basically Jason Aaron had to come up way to make Jane worthy, so he wrote that she had cancer, and that for some reason translated to her being worthy. He never truly justified it.

So if this didn't work for the comics and it received negative feedback from people who could actually be honest about a bad comic storyline, why would it be better on film? Sure, the writer or writers could rewrite some stuff here and there, but they're probably not because they actually believe that this story is loved when it isn't.

Phase Four Hasn't Been All That Great

After Phase Three came to a close with Spider-Man: Far From Home, naturally everyone (myself included) was curious of what's gonna happen next?

So when Marvel was teasing stuff about the multiverse everyone was expecting something like a big multiverse war, or some storyline regrading this concept. Instead we really didn't get that. Some stuff touched upon it, such as What If...?, Loki, Spider-Man: No Way Home, and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. And no other tv show or movie talked about it ever again. Sure, some of them didn't need to, but when you throw a big concept like that naturally people are gonna want more.

Whether you agree with Marvel Studios' whole Infinity Saga or not, at least we knew what was going on, but here what's the big storyline? Cause as of right now, it just feels like this more of a going through the motions phase, then actually setting something up. And as of recently a lot of people are starting to get very negative about the films.

I've also haven't had a lot of good stuff to say about the recent films as of late. Black Widow to me was trying to be the new Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Shang-Chi I believe is forgettable, while I had some issues with Eternals I thought overall it was okay. Really the only two films I've liked so far is the previously mentioned Spider-Man and Doctor Strange.

Taika Waititi Doesn't Care About the Source Material

Yep, even the director himself is an issue.

Now it's one thing to change some stuff from the comics here and there. 1998's Blade did it, 2000's X-Men did it, 2002's Spider-Man did it, and so on and so forth. But they thing is the filmmakers who worked on those movies still wanted to take those stories and ideas from the comics and put them on the big screen, because they cared about the source material. Taika on the other hand doesn't all.

Some of you are probably thinking I'm just making this up just to make you guys have doubts about this movie, or I'm trying to Waititi look bad, but I'm not. The guy does it all by himself. He freely and openly admitted that he didn't do any research. And I've got the evidence to prove it. Right here. 👇

So it begs the question, why did Marvel Studios hire the guy? I could understand if he wanted to branch out and do something that wasn't a comedy like his films before Thor: Ragnarok, (those being  What We Do in the Shadows and Hunt for the Wilderpeople) but the thing is he just made Ragnarok an action-comedy. So it almost feels pointless to evening having him as part of the franchise. Because he's not doing research and he seems do do set in his comedic ways.

Despite my negativity, I'm still somewhat hopefully I'll be surprised, but with what I've seen, I'm having doubts.

So that's going to do it for me. Come back on Saturday, Jul 9th for my review of Thor: Love and Thunder. Until then, enjoy the rest of your day.

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