Wednesday, March 8, 2017

A Look Back at Samurai Jack

Image result for samurai jack

With Samurai Jack finally returning to TV on Adult Swim in only 3 days I thought I should review it. I at first I wasn't going to do this because I'm talking about a TV show not a movie but I figured I give it a try so let's do this let's review Samurai Jack.

Samurai Jack tells the story a samurai sent to the future where the evil Aku's might rules all and he must fight his way through Aku's evil forces to return to his timeline and stop Aku from ruling the world.

The show premiered August 10,2001 and ended on September 25,2004 with four seasons and fifty-two episodes.

  • Negatives

I have nothing bad to say let's move on.

  • Positives

One positive to give this show is the theme song. It's an awesome theme even thought the only parts of it I can make out are Jack.

Another thing that I loved about this show is it's animation it's nice and fluent. It also does something that no other cartoon did was that every character, object, and environment have none of those thick black lines that every other cartoon has.

One thing I loved about this show was the action. The action in this show was crazy swords were always clashing with each other, lasers were going off, and robots were getting sliced left and right it was awesome! Now not every episode was all about action some episodes were just comedic too sort of show that is show isn't all about being dark and serious.

Speaking of robots getting sliced that was the show's way of getting around the censors. So if the creator Genndy Tartakovsky wanted Jack to cut a limb off instead of it being alien's arm getting cut off and blood spewing all over the place it would a robot's arm getting cut off and oil spewing all over the place. It was a smart move in my book.

Samurai Jack is one of the best cartoons to be made for Cartoon Network. The theme song is cool, I liked the creative choice not use thick black lines on the characters and everything else, every episode of the show was good ranging from serious to humorous, and above all it was always awesome to see Jack slice and dice some bad guys.

My final rating for this show is A Must Watch.

I can't wait for March 11 it's going to be great to have Samurai Jack back on television for one more time and this time things are going to get very bloody.

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