Hey everyone. So today I figured I would do something relating to a certain following I've been apart of for what I want to say is I don't know maybe a year or two. This is about #ReleaseTheSnyderCut and why I got involved. What I'll be talking is my dreams of having a Justice League movie, me reviewing the Justice League films leading to the "Zack Snyder's" movie, and what lead me to the hashtag. Let's begin, shall we?
Part One - Justice League & Justice League Unlimited
My first time seeing the Justice League wasn't in the comics. It was the Cartoon Network series simply titled Justice League and it's sequel series Justice League Unlimited. Before the first episode aired my mind set at that time was to mainly watch it for Superman and Batman because Cartoon Network often times would show reruns of Superman: The Animated Series and Batman: The Animated Series. So that was the main reason I was going to watch the show for Superman and Batman, I could care less about the other characters. Then the first episode aired and I being a little kid was going to watch the show by any means necessary. Then the more episodes I watched the more I wanted to know more about Green Lantern, The Flash, Wonder Woman, and all of the other characters. So if you have anything to blame for my love of DC Comics you can blame this show.
Part Two - Justice League: Mortal
Now it's early 2007. Justice League Unlimited aired it's final episode months ago and all I have left is the comics. Then somehow I don't remember how I came across it but I heard news that Warner Bros. was going to make a
live-action Justice League movie. At first I thought it was just some rumor someone made up but then with the magic of the internet I found it was true. I was so pumped. We were finally going to get a Justice League movie and I do believe the release date was 2008. So it's early 2007 and all I got to do is wait for 2008 to roll in....2008 came and went and the only Justice League media I got outside of comics was
Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe. So yeah that bummed me out. I was so close to a live action Justice League film yet so far.
Part Three - Man of Steel & Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Now it's late-2012. One day I was on YouTube and I noticed a certain thumbnail. This thumbnail had Superman's suit and beneath it it said "
Man of Steel - Official Trailer #2". So natural I clicked on and I couldn't believe it. A new Superman movie was coming out and it was coming the summer of 2013. Sure it wasn't Justice League but come on it's Superman, that's just as good. Then the movie came out and I loved it. I loved it just as much as I did with Richard Donner's
Superman (1978). Then in July 2013 I saw a YouTube video that said "
Superman/Batman Announcement and Logo Reveal Comic Con 2013". So I clicked and my jaw dropped. I couldn't believe two of my favorite superheroes were finally gonna be on the big screen together. Zack Snyder was making movies I dreamed about since I was like five. Then in early-2014, I heard the film got pushed to 2016, got bummed out, then cheered back up, and waited. So it's now March 25th, 2016, I'm going into the theater with my grandpa, my dad, and my mom (she's not typically into movies as much as me but she was curious about this). Now I did enjoy the theatrical cut. I thought it was an okay movie but that Ultimate Edition. Now that was the movie that should have been shown in theaters. So yeah I was definitely becoming a full Zack Snyder fan.
Part Four - Leading Up to Justice League

Back in January of 2017, I started my blog. Around this time I didn't have a lot to review. So I came up with the idea of
The Road to. A film review series where I review films from franchises leading up to the newest installment of said franchise. The very first one I did was for Justice League.
I reviewed every single animated Justice League movie leading into the live-action film. Hell I even reviewed that terrible yet hilarious
1997 film. I even give out suggestions on what people can
read or watch to be prepared for the movie. Then after that I made a
top eleven dumbest news stories related to the movie. And if that wasn't enough to convince you that I was excited I also bought an official t-shirt, a behind the scenes magazine talking about the movie, the book Justice League: The Art of the Film, and watched the trailers over and over again.
Part Five - Justice League (aka the one review I'm ashamed of)
I would use the more Alex Ross inspired poster but this one represents Josstice League better. |
So it's now Thursday 16th, 2017, and I'm as excited as a kid in a candy store. Why? Because my theater is having an earlier screening of Justice League. The moment I posted my
Top 11 Dumbest Justice League News Stories I bolted right to the Salem Twin Cinema. I got everything I needed. I have my Justice League shirt, my popcorn, my root beer, and I'm in my favorite recliner chair. I saw the movie and went home to type my
review. In honesty I'm very much ashamed of that piece. The main reason is looking back on it I lied to you. If there's one thing I didn't want people to think with my reviews is that there a lie. Once again looking back I think it steamed from me being in denial. Because ever since the first trailer dropped I have defended the movie from all of the bias journalist and/or haters. So all I wanted was to say the movie is good, however in doing so I basically became one of those bias journalist (even though I'm far from a journalist but I think you get what I'm saying). So if any of you liked that review please don't. Because I really can't look at it now and be proud of it.
Part Five - The Moment I Joined #ReleaseTheSnyderCut
Now we flash forward to
December 6th, 2017. Justice League as only been out for nineteen days at this point. During this time I go on my Twitter account and the very first thing I see on my timeline is
@ComicBookDebate breaking the story that Fabian Wagner confirmed that Zack Snyder shot scenes of Superman in his iconic black suit. I was absolutely pissed. In matter of fact it was at the moment some clicked in my head. Something that I was ignoring when Justice League came out that I should have noticed in the first place. There were tons of scenes that were either unnecessarily altered, completely reshot, or cut out of the movie completely. Like 96% of the movie was Joss Whedon and only 5% was Zack Snyder. It was on that day I used #ReleaseTheSnyderCut and joined the movement.
Part Six - What Am I Doing Now? & What Can You Do?
Image created by me. 😁 |
So it's been seventeen months since Justice League came out and it's been a year since I used the hashtag. So what have I been doing since. Well I'm still using #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. Both as a form of criticism of the butchered film and in more comedic ways by making memes on my
Twitter account. But even though I'm using the hashtag I'm still reviewing movies. Whether they be new or old. The real question is if you guys want the Snyder cut of Justice League what can you do? Well really my only recommendations is join the movement any way you can. If you have a Twitter account join
@FilmGob, and really any other Twitter account that supports #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. However if Twitter isn't really your thing then watch YouTube videos my strongest request are
Film Junkee,
Comic Movie Marks, and in my opinion the biggest one of them all
Chris Wong-Swenson then share those videos any way you can. The last thing I'll say if any of these people are holding any special events i.e. a snail mail campaign, calling Warner Bros., or any other event.
That's going to do it for me today, but before you click off and either go about your day or go join the movement I want you to remember a few things. Warner Bros. knows all about #ReleaseTheSnyderCut. Hell Zack Snyder himself said at his special director's cuts events that their feeling the pressure. I want to remember that because it means that this isn't fruitless. A major film studio knows about us and we should still continue until the give us the film they advertised not the one in theaters they falsely advertised. The other thing I want you to remember is be polite. You're not gonna get anywhere if all your gonna be is rude. I claim and collective voice is going to be listened to more than a brass and impulsive one. Now with that being said come back on Monday, May 6th, when I return to the Road to Dark Phoenix with my review of X-Men: Days of Future Past. Until then enjoy the rest of your day.