Thursday, June 15, 2017

Differences Between Jurassic Park (movie) & Jurassic Park (novel)

Image result for jurassic park posterImage result for jurassic park book cover

Before we get started with this let me explain my original plan. Originally this was going to be Differences Between Justice League: War and the story it was based on Justice League: Origin while there was some differences between those two I decided I really need do more stuff that it's related to superheroes so I went with Jurassic Park. I picked it because I loved the movie and wanted to tell people how it's different from the book.

We all know the 1993 film Jurassic Park critics & audiences loved the movie and to this day it's still being loved and regarded as an all time classic and one of the best movies ever made. However the movie has made some changes from the novel it was based on. So let's list some them.

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In the movie Grant & Sattler are brought to Jurassic Park because the place needs experts to clarify if the park is safe. In the book their reason for being there is much different. The event that brings them is a series of attacks on small villages in Costa Rica by three-toed dinosaurs that are thought to be a new breed of lizards.

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The movie's way of cloning dinosaurs is their DNA is in fossilized mosquitos cased in amber. The novel's way is their blood was extracted form different kinds of insects mostly from gnats.

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The movie's touring vehicles are Ford Explorers. The book's was Toyota Land Cruisers.

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In Jurassic Park the movie Donald Gennaro dies however in Jurassic Park the book he survives the whole experience.

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The novel tells us that Alan Grant loves children and that his relationship with Ellie isn't romantic but purely professional. It also tells us that he's a widower. In the movie Alan Grant doesn't like kids and later on the franchise states he had a relationship with Ellie. The movie also doesn't tell us if was married prior to going to Jurassic Park.

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The endings to both the movie and book are drastically different from each other. In the movie the remaining survivors escape in a helicopter from the T-Rex. In the book the survivors arrive at the helipad and their informed that the Costa Rican air force are going to napalm the island killing the remaining dinosaurs.

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The movie cuts out an entire raptor scene from the book. In the book there's an intense moment where the scientist are on tour and the power goes off and they watch a maintenance ship leave the island but they notice that there's raptors on it. That turns into a race to try to get the power back on in order to call the ship back.

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Another character's personality that was changed from the book is John Hammond. In the movie he cares about the well being of others and just wanted people to see the wonders of dinosaurs. In the novel however all he cares about is money, could care less about other people and when things go wrong in the park he is in denial and is very much a coward. Even his fate is different. In the movie he survives but in the book he dies by falling down a hill, breaking his ankle, and then he is eaten by small dinosaurs.

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In the movie Ellie tends to a sick Triceratops. In the novel it was a sick Stegosaurus.

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Towards the end of the book Donald Gennaro suggest that the island be nuked but Alan Grant disagrees and wants to find out what went wrong. This never happened in the movie because Gennaro died when he was eaten by a T - Rex while on the toilet.

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The book leaves Ian Malcolm's fate ambiguous. Throughout the story he spends most of his time in a hut recovering while being administered morphine. While at the same time ranting about the evils of playing God.

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Robert Muldoon is also very different. The movie gives him a memorable death scene and not much is known about him. He does survive in the book and has a more prominent role. In the book he's at odds with Hammond feeling that he has a disinterest for proper security measures more importantly in weapons. Also in the book it tells us he's an alcoholic and at one point he's drunk and runs into a field of raptors then shoots them with a rocket launcher.

There are many other differences between the two properties but those are the ones I wanted to tell you about. I hoped you enjoyed this.

State of The Project (Jun 1st - Jul 3rd)

Jun 1st - What You Probably Didn't Know About Fight Club (1999)

Jun 3rd - Wonder Woman (2017) Review

Jun 5th - Wonder Woman (2017) Easter Eggs

Jun 8th - Raiders of the Lost Media - Cartoon Network: Backlot Party

Jun 10th - The Mummy (2017) Review

Jun 12th - Road to Justice League - Justice League: War Review

Jun 15th - Differences Between Jurassic Park (movie) & Jurassic Park (novel)

Jun 19th - Road to Spider-Man: Homecoming - The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Review

Jun 22nd - 30th - Taking a Break

Jul 3rd - Cinematic Disasters - Reefer Madness


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